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Arsenic in the Water in Reno, Nevada


Rural communities in Northern Nevada experience elevated levels of arsenic and other heavy metals in their private wells, putting their health at risk. Frequent testing and high-quality water filters are necessary to ensure the well-being of those living in communities dependent on well water.

How Common Is Arsenic in Well Water?

Arsenic is relatively common in Nevada’s well water due to the geological landscape. Arsenic is found in the earth’s crust, but it can seep into groundwater from natural events such as volcanic activity, erosion, and earthquakes and human activity such as mining, landscaping, and agriculture.

The Desert Research Institute, a research facility focused on environmental research, found that nearly one-fourth of private wells in Northern Nevada exceed safe levels of arsenic, with some having levels nearly 80 times higher than the national safety limit. These wells also possessed high levels of other heavy metals such as uranium, lead, cadmium, and iron.

What Are Safe Arsenic Levels in Water?

While the absence of arsenic is safest, water with arsenic levels below three parts per billion (ppb) is typically safe to drink. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has set 10 ppb as the upper limit for arsenic levels, though their decision is based on the cost of treatment more than possible health effects. Many municipalities can only afford to reduce arsenic levels to 10 ppb, so that is what limit the EPA set.

Arsenic is a neurotoxin that can harm nerve tissue and disrupt cognitive development. It also bioaccumulates, collecting in organs and leading to various issues such as skin damage, circulatory system issues, and several types of cancer. In worse case scenarios, arsenic can be deadly.

Arsenic occurs naturally, so slight traces and little exposure are generally safe. Any long-term exposure to water with high levels of arsenic can lead to adverse health effects. The higher the arsenic ppb level, the greater the risk. Arsenic affects everyone differently, though children and pets are particularly vulnerable.

How to Treat Arsenic in Well Water

Nevada water has the highest levels of arsenic in the United States, but the state of Nevada leaves the responsibility of well water safety to private well owners. If you use water from a well, it is essential to monitor the quality to ensure the health of those in your home. It’s important to note that the city often blends river water with well water to get arsenic levels below EPA standards, so even if you get water from a source other than a private well, you will still want to monitor your tap water quality.

The first step in managing arsenic levels in well water is to have it tested by a certified laboratory. Arsenic has no scent, taste, or color, so the only way to detect its presence is to test for it. The results will reveal what kinds and amounts of arsenic are in your water as well as any other types of heavy metals that may be present.

Once you know the status of your water, you can make informed decisions about how to move forward. Well water quality can change over time, so even if your test results state the water is safe now, frequent tests are necessary to ensure low levels of arsenic and other heavy metals for as long as you use the well.

If your test results reveal high levels of arsenic, it is time to research ways to treat the arsenic in your water. Boiling water does not remove arsenic from water, so you will need a high-quality water filtration system.

The Best Water Filter for Arsenic

Pure Water Systems of NV has the arsenic filter system you need to bring clean, safe water into your home. We are intimately familiar with Northern Nevada’s water situation, which has enabled us to identify the products that will ensure thorough filtration and guaranteed cleanliness.

We know that every water source is unique, which is why we offer customized solutions for your specific situation. Our experts will help identify which filtration system best fits your needs. Our process includes:

  • Obtaining a complete water analysis: We will test your water for free with a state-certified laboratory to ensure accurate results. The report will help us discover arsenic types, evaluate arsenic levels, and identify any other contaminants that need to be removed.
  • Determining your water needs: Our experts will review your water demands, such as pressure and flow rates, to find the proper system to fit your home. Our free consultations will discuss our variety of arsenic filters for the whole house, enabling you to enjoy safe and clean water from every faucet.
  • Installing an appropriate system: We will find a suitable location for the equipment in your home and install it. Our experts will ensure your filtration system is installed correctly the first time so you can fully enjoy your new water filter.
  • Performing frequent tests: Our certified experts will test your water every few months to ensure the system works properly. We guarantee our American-made products will keep your water safe and clean.

We are a locally owned and operated company that has served the community since 1993. We have extensive experience with water filtration systems, having sold more arsenic filters than our competitors since our company’s creation.

We genuinely care about our community and want each member to have the safe water solutions they need to be healthy and enjoy life. Arsenic in our drinking water is a serious issue that can cause serious health conditions and even death. It often goes unaddressed by the press and government, which is why we are committed to stepping in and bringing solutions to our customers. Our water filter solutions will ensure your home or business has contaminant-free water for all your needs.

Find an arsenic filter for your well water here at Pure Water Systems of NV. Healthy begins with your water, so request a quote today to start improving the safety and cleanliness of your water.

Pure Water Systems Offers Reverse Osmosis Filters Specifically Designed For Northern Nevada's Tap Water and Certified by The Water Quality Association. Book a Free Consultation Now.
