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The right water treatment system for your new home


Reno, Dayton, Fernley, and just about everywhere else in Northern Nevada have been blowing up with new home construction. All of these new homes have kept us very busy for many reasons. The people that are building and buying these homes are not typically first time home buyers, and they’ve learned from past experience what they want in their ‘Forever home’.  What do we find more and more at the top of that list? A water treatment system.  Once they’ve had the experience of hard water ruining your home and installing a water system reactively, people are quick to line up a water system for their next home before a single drop hits their fixtures and appliances.  Also, the installation will almost always be cleaner when the water system is planned for during the build.

The 3 things to consider when getting a water system for the new home are:

1. Sizing the system properly.

You want a system large enough to keep up with the flow of your bathrooms and fixtures, but we commonly find systems installed by plumbers or purchased online that were based on the plumbing size or peak use all the time. These systems are so grossly over-sized that they are extremely inefficient on water use, salt use, and power use. The water also flows so slowly through an over-sized system that it can harbor bacteria and algae growth.  Bigger is not always better.

2. Incoming water quality.

The water at your new home will most likely be different than it was at your old home, and your water system should reflect this.  The mindset of “we had this system before, and it worked great” causes a lot of frustration for people when they don’t the same results on their new water quality.  This is our greatest strength as a local company, because we have intimate knowledge of the water quality in each area of town during different times of the year.  We can tell you exactly what to expect from any type of water system, and often times save you from wasting your money on the wrong system.

3. Water quality that YOU want.

At the end of the day, there is not one water system that works for everyone because not everyone likes the same water.  Some people like Dasani, some people like Crystal Geyser.  One is not necessarily better than the other, but they definitely a difference in taste.  Your water system should give you the exact water quality that you want, so we custom-tailor every water system we install.  Do you like the slippery smooth feel of soft water, or do you hate it? We have systems that can give you either, and you should like the way your water feels, tastes, smells, and looks out of your water filtration system.

staff1staff2Pure Water Systems Offers Reverse Osmosis Filters Specifically Designed For Northern Nevada's Tap Water and Certified by The Water Quality Association. Book a Free Consultation Now.