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How to Remove PFAS From Water in Northern Nevada


Manufactured chemicals have been used in various industrial and consumer products for decades. Unfortunately, these chemicals are harmful to our health and the environment. They can enter our water through industrial discharges and other sources, and conventional water treatment methods can’t remove them effectively.

While these water contaminants sound concerning, you can purify your Reno home’s water with a special filtration system. Learn more about PFAS and how to remove them from your water.

What Are PFAS?

PFAS, or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, are synthetic chemicals that include PFOA and PFOS. These microplastics are used in many industrial and consumer products, such as nonstick cookware, firefighting foam, stain-resistant fabrics, and food packaging like pizza boxes and microwavable popcorn bags.

PFAS first emerged in the 1940s, when they were manufactured and used in various industries throughout the United States.

These chemicals are long-lasting and highly persistent in the environment, breaking down very slowly over time. Because of their widespread use, PFAS have infiltrated air, water, fish, and soil in areas across the globe. From there, they’ve reached humans and animals, too — researchers have detected PFAS in people’s and animals’ blood worldwide, and Northern Nevada is no exception.

Are PFAS Dangerous?

Studies have demonstrated that environmental exposure to PFAS may lead to adverse health outcomes. PFAS can accumulate in the body over time and may lead to the following health problems:

  • Cancer
  • Increased cholesterol levels
  • Liver enzyme changes
  • High blood pressure
  • Preeclampsia in pregnant women
  • Decreased vaccine response in children

Does Drinking Water Contain PFAS?

There’s a chance the water in your home contains a significant amount of PFAS. Generally, drinking water contamination occurs when a home or water supply is near a facility that produces or deals with PFAS, such as wastewater treatment facilities or manufacturing plants. The following types of water may contain PFAS:

  • Drinking water wells
  • Public water systems
  • Ponds and lakes

You can research PFAS levels in your Reno neighborhood’s water supply and check your local water board’s website for guidance on whether the water contains PFAS.

How to Remove Microplastics and PFAS From Drinking Water in Northern Nevada

The EPA has set a health advisory level in parts per trillion (PPT) for two of the most common PFAS:

  • Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA): 0.004 PPT.
  •  Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS): 0.02 PPT.

However, many experts believe this level is too high and that more should be done to regulate and remove PFAS from drinking water sources.

States can propose policy limits on emerging contaminants, and 17 have enacted formal policies regulating PFAS. Unfortunately, Nevada is not one of them.

You can take control of your health by opting for a large, premium-quality water filtration system to remove PFAS from your Reno home’s water. Here are your options for water filters that remove microplastics:

  • Granular activated carbon (GAC) filters: These filters remove PFAS effectively when used in flow-through filter mode.
  • Reverse osmosis systems: These systems contain a semipermeable membrane that rids water of impurities, including PFAS.
  • Whole-house filtration systems: These systems use activated carbon filters to remove PFAS from household water.

Pure Water Systems of Nevada offers the following PFOS water filters:

  • The Water Right UltROwater under-sink reverse osmosis system: This PFAS home water filter system uses a five-stage filtration process to remove impurities such as chlorine, sediment, heavy metals, and other contaminants like pharmaceuticals, viruses, and bacteria. It features a permeate pump to increase efficiency and reduce water waste. The system also includes a remineralization stage, which adds minerals back into the water for improved taste and health benefits. The system’s compact design allows for easy installation under your sink.
  • The Water Right ONE filter with .5 micron carbon: This high-performance whole-house water filter system for PFAS uses a combination of activated carbon and a 0.5-micron filter to remove impurities from your water, such as chlorine, sediment, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The cost-effective filter is easy to install and maintain and is compatible with most standard filter housings.

Find the Best Water Filters for PFAS at Pure Water Systems of Nevada

While PFAS contamination in water sources is a growing concern, you can take steps to protect your household from these harmful chemicals. Home water filtration systems for PFAS can effectively remove PFAS from drinking water. Whether you choose a reverse osmosis system, a granular carbon filter, or another type of filtration technology, be sure to research and select a system certified to remove PFAS.

If you’re interested in a water filter that removes PFOA and PFOS, Pure Water Systems of Nevada invites you to explore our American-made products. We’re a locally owned supplier of clean water solutions for residents and business owners in Northern Nevada. With over 30 years of experience, we’re proud to offer our customers prompt personal service and high-quality products with a lifetime warranty. Get in touch today to discuss the best PFAS water filtration system for your Northern Nevada home!
Pure Water Systems Offers Reverse Osmosis Filters Specifically Designed For Northern Nevada's Tap Water and Certified by The Water Quality Association. Book a Free Consultation Now.
