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World’s Most Efficient Drinking Water Filter


The Linx 160 EDI (electrodeionization) drinking water unit is simply the best overall drinking water system on the market. There is literally nothing else like it on the market.  Here are a few reasons it is a cut above the rest:

1. Efficiency

The Linx uses a completely different technology than any other unit.  There are a lot of different reverse osmosis units that have different “bells and whistles” from conductivity probes, permeate pumps, booster pumps, remineralizing filters, demineralizing filters, 3 stages, 4 stages, 8 stages, and 5,141 stages (more stages, more filter sales!).  At the end of the day, all of them use the same technology. All except for the Linx.  I like to compare reverse osmosis systems to bicycles.  Some bikes have a bell, some have a basket, some even have tail lights, but they all have need to be pedaled and roll on two wheels.  Reverse osmosis drinking water systems are to the Linx what bicycles are to an electromagnetic bullet train.

By using EDI to purify the water, the Linx uses a tenth of the waste water (10 times the recovery rate) and is unaffected by feed water pressure or holding tank back pressure. To see a video about exactly how efficient the Linx is, click here.

2. Water Quality

Another limitation to conventional reverse osmosis (RO) is that they can require as much as 200 psi system pressure to achieve maximum contaminant reduction.  The Linx’s contaminant reduction, much like its recovery rate, is unaffected by feed water pressure or tank back pressure.  On top of that, the Linx technology simply performs better. Take for example, arsenic reduction (a major issue in our area).  We’d expect a conventional RO to have about a 95-99% reduction of pentavalent arsenic (AsV) at optimum pressure.  On a well however, the feed water pressure can be as low as 40 psi and we only get a 90% reduction of AsV.  On top of that trivalent aresnic (AsIII) will blow right through a conventional RO with limited reduction (if any).

The Linx on the other hand has a 99% reduction rate for AsV regardless of feed water pressure and an incredible 85% reduction of AsIII. There is simply nothing that performs that well at low pressures, and not just for arsenic.  For a complete list of contaminant reduction rates, click here.

3. Customizable/Monitoring

The Linx uses an electric charge to remove contaminants and clean its membranes.  Because of this, the end user can completely customize the mineral content of their water simply by adjusting the electric charge.  Linx calls this ‘Dial-a-Taste’ because the unit comes with a dial on the front that makes this adjustment quickly and easily.  Next to the dial, the unit has it diagnostics readout.  The Linx will tell you when your filters need changed, if the water quality deteriorates, if any moisture is detected (leak), if the unit had a problem when it tried to clean itself, etc.  Aside from reminding you when it’s your anniversary, there is not much the Linx doesn’t tell you.

For the reasons above, and many more, the Linx drinking water system is the best system money can buy and in some cases the only option. For more information, please call our office at (775) 261-8565 or use our website’s contact form to request a quote.
