Reno Water Quality Report

Reno Water Quality Report

Reno tap water may meet legal requirements, but legal federal requirements are not always as high as the personal standards you have for your family. Reno water contaminants like chlorine disinfection byproducts, arsenic, and hardness present health concerns as well as aesthetic issues for your body and your home. Investing in a quality water filtration…

Arsenic in the Water in Reno, Nevada

Rural communities in Northern Nevada experience elevated levels of arsenic and other heavy metals in their private wells, putting their health at risk. Frequent testing and high-quality water filters are necessary to ensure the well-being of those living in communities dependent on well water. How Common Is Arsenic in Well Water? Arsenic is relatively common…

Bathtub faucet

Does Reno, Nevada Have Hard Water?

Water hardness in Northern Nevada is high, making it necessary for many homeowners to invest in water softeners. Reno, Nevada’s city water can have hard water due to its water supply sources. As groundwater flows through rocks and soil, it collects mineral deposits that remain in the water through the water treatment process. These minerals…